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The Heavy Chronicles/On the Road Again

Part Three of a Terribly Tragic Trilogy

Heavy checked the bus schedule to Las Vegas one last time before his appointment with Dr. Sundaze. A little action would be nice after this place. The key, Heavy had relatively quickly figured out, was to tell them what they wanted to hear. At his first meeting with Dr. Sundaze, the good doctor had asked him what he thought of Vin.

"Some players have handles,Vin's a little teapot".

Wrong answer.Heavy should have known better considering Wally & the Sonics were paying for his stay here; kind of an occupational hazard thing, I guess. Heavy gradually learned to say the right things; things like:
"All you have to do is look at Wally's fabulous record picking up value guys like Rashard, Desmond, Drob, Radman, EJ, etc. How DOES he do it?"

No matter that it had taken him nearly 10 years to get lucky after giving killer contracts to Jimmy Mac, Vin, Patrick, & others. No matter that guys like Jelani McCoy, Wojo, Stepania, Billy Owens, Don MacLean, Aaron Williams, David Wingate, Sherell Ford, Saunas Marciulionis, Paul Westphal himself, & many, many others had wasted roster space on the team for years; a team that if recent memory serves, was likely to turn over 50-75% yearly. No matter that the team had yet to accomplish anything major, & still has a losing record in the Western Conference (16-18). No matter that the playoffs will soon bring everyone back down to earth. They wanted to hear how much better the team was playing this year & what a genius Wally was for putting it together. They wanted to hear how this slight improvement over last year's record was only the beginning. They wanted to hear that the team was headed in the right direction. They DIDN'T want to hear that OO, Long, & Williams would soon be remembered as & numbered amongst the rest of the busts. Well if optimism was what they wanted, optimism was what Heavy would give them. Who cared if we were another five years or more away from a Western Conference Finals? As long as everyone was happy.

Heavy knocked on the doctor's door, & entered as the voice inside beckoned him. He took the only seat in front of the large ornate desk behind which the kindly septuagenarian stared out from behind his wire rimmed spectacles. Dr. Sundaze began, "Vell, I haf read your case files, undt it's obvious dat you are haffing certain delusions. They are rather harmless, ya?"
"I guess."
"You vill only feel better ven you admit that everything is NOT hopeless."
"You mean the Sonics?"
"Der Sonics, der life -- EVERYTHING."
"You mean it can get better & STAY better?"
"Ya, if properly managed."
"It won't seek its own level, like water?"?
"In time, but time heals all wounds. That is da syllepsis of life."
"Oh. Doctor, can I ask you a question?"
"Of course."
"How come you have an Indian, German, & Russian accent all rolled into one?"
"Because I am very wise."

Heavy nodded knowingly.In days gone by he might have said something like, "oh,well I guess THAT explains it."

Dr. Sundaze began again, "So ver vill you go?"
"I was thinking of leaving for Las Vegas."

The doctor frowned.

"But maybe I'll go back to sonicscentral & write."

The doctor drew several large puffs from his pipe, & smiled approvingly. "And vat vill you write about?"

"I was thinking maybe something about what a great job Wally is doing."

Again with the pipe. "That vould be nice."

"Yes, yes it would."
"Vell, I think ve are finished here. Good luck young man."
"Thank you doctor. I appreciate all youf done for me."

A slight look of apprehension crossed the good doctor's face,but it was gone in a second. They both smiled & shook hands as Heavy opened the door & left the office for the last time.

Heavy walked out into the bright sunshine feeling like a new man. He wasn't exactly sure where this new road he found himself on would lead him; but he knew he would never look back on his three weeks in the asylum. Nurse Ratchett, Dr. Sundaze, Ice, Nubio -- they were all becoming a blur as the memories faded together. Heavy smiled to himself as he walked. The road ahead to the playoffs was anything but certain. But Heavy knew one thing: like the team, he had made it this far against all odds; like the team, the future looked bright; & like the team . . . well,he really liked this team. Life was good again. Life was worth living. Maybe he actually would go back to after he'd had enough of Las Vegas.


And it's been awhile
Since I could hold my head up high
And it's been awhile
Since I first saw you
And it's been awhile
Since I could stand on my own two feet again
And it's been awhile
Since I could call you

And everything I can't remember
As f--ked up as it all may seem
The consequences that I've rendered
I've stretched myself beyond my means

And it's been awhile
Since I can say that I wasn't addicted
And it's been awhile
Since I can say I love myself as well
And it's been awhile
Since I've gone & f--ked things up just like I always do
And it's been awhile
But all that shit seems to disappear when I'm with you

And everything I can't remember
As f--ked up as it all may seem
The consequences that I've rendered
I've gone & f--ked things up again

Why must I feel this way?
Just make this go away
Just one more peaceful day!

And it's been awhile
Since I could look at myself straight
And it's been awhile
Since I said I'm sorry
And it's been awhile
Since I've seen the way the candle lights your face
And it's been awhile
But I can still remember just the way you taste

And everything I can't remember
As f--ked up as it all may seem to be I know it's me
I cannot blame this on my father
He did the best he could for me

And it's been awhile
Since I could hold my head up high
And it's been awhile
Since I said I'm sorry.

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